
Murder Mystery at San Sereno

On Friday 19 July the San Sereno Players, led by Maria Hoy, treated the residents to a fabulous evening of high drama and mystery from the 1920s.


The canvas was set by Lisa, who was ably assisted by Jessica. Each of the tables was decorated and dedicated to a famous person from that era. From Josephine Baker, Marlene Dietrich, Charlie Chaplin to Charles Lindbergh amongst others, each table carried a theme specific to the character.


Auria treated us to a five-star meal, executed to perfection by Alewyn and his team. The lounge was a perfect theatre with a stage and the best of wines were served after welcoming us with a champagne cocktail.



The play was cleverly divided between the courses which gave the audience an opportunity to try and determine who the murderer was. Chief Inspector Rui interrogated the characters and then in his inimitable fashion delivered the verdict with the help of the audience. Even the actors did not know the answer before the reveal.


Only at San Sereno would the audience have participated with such gusto, mostly dressing up to theme and playing along in great spirits.


Our thanks to the fabulous actors. Hostess Maria Hoy, Val Lord at the piano and Colin Francis, Barbara Grobler, Allen Roberts, Marie Wotherspoon, Judy and Ron Fredericksen, Brian Appleton and the murderer Marina Herbst. Tom Davies was sorely missed as he was not able to attend.


These fellow residents gave us all an unforgettable treat and we truly appreciate their dedication, enthusiasm, talent and bravery as well as all the sacrifice of their time.

As usual, thanks to the support of Auria, this could not have been anywhere but at San Sereno.