
San Sereno News October 2019

October 2019 will see Phase 1 of the Care Centre project draw towards completion. The area of Phase 1 will be utilized as the Dementia Care section in the future and the first milestone in the Care Centre renovation. Whilst there are so many unanswered questions about dementia itself, the design team have researched international facilities and the best approach regarding Care. We believe this upgrade will provide a comfortable home for our residents.

We are pleased to announce that Hanlie Eksteen has joined the San Sereno team as our new Care Centre Manager. Hanlie brings with her a wealth of experience and we look forward to having her as part of our team.

Gert and the maintenance team have been working on several projects over winter. They have completed the painting of Garden Villa walls, window putty replacement and levelling pathway paving. They will continue to address south-side drainage throughout the village on an ongoing basis and will be inspecting the bulk flat roofs and implement a plan to maintain these.

We are looking forward to our first rains soon and trust that this new season will continue to be a prosperous one, full of new opportunities.

Yours in Hospitality

Rui Antunes

Hospitality & Services Manager