
Sans Sereno News August 2019

In South Africa we celebrate Women’s Day on the 9th August 2019 and the entire month is commonly celebrated as Women’s month in South Africa. At San Sereno, based on our demographics of residents and staff members, it is an important month as we commemorate all the Grandmothers, mothers, wives and breadwinners.

What makes this fascinating is that the women living at San Sereno are the generation that made some of the most important advances in women’s rights and a reminder of the important contributions women make to society.

During the month of August, I hope the important people around you recognise your contributions in their lives.

During July, the San Sereno Players performed our first ever Murder Mystery evening with great success. I would like to give a special thanks to the resident team for the countless hours of rehearsal and planning that went into the performance for the evening. We look forward to the next exciting event.

Yours in Hospitality

Rui Antunes

Hospitality & Services Manager